Behind on Rent? Delaware County Emergency Rental Assistance Program Offers Help
In-Person Assistance Sessions at Baldwin Tower April 17 and April 24
The DELCO Emergency Rental Assistance (DELCO ERA) grant program helps renters who suffered disruption and loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic with assistance with rent and utilities. The U.S. Treasury and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania allocated $37.2 million to fund DELCO ERA. The County engaged Capital Access, Inc, a grants management firm based in the Delaware Valley, to assist with program management. All funds must be expended by end of 2021.
How does the program work?
- DELCO ERA will pay up to 12 months for past due rent and your largest past-due utility bill. For verified Priority 1 applications, up to three (3) months of future rent and utility may be paid totaling up to 15 months of assistance. Past due rent can go as far back as April 1, 2020. DELCO ERA does not pay for deposits.
- No more than one (1) application per household.
- Grant funds are paid directly to your landlord/property manager and utility on your behalf.
- Funds will be distributed on a “first come, first qualified and approved” basis until program funds are depleted.
- Eligible applicants must earn 80% or less of area median income (AMI) for household size. (See below)
- Priority 1 for processing will be given to households where at least one of the following is true:
- Total household income no greater than 50% of Area Median Income;
- At least 1 person unemployed who has an active claim with the Office of Unemployment Compensation for at least the 90 days prior to the date of Registration with this Program;
- Facing eviction in Common Pleas Court, filed on or before January 31, 2021 for the reason of non-payment of rent.
- People with language and/or physical or related challenges can request assistance with application submission.
For more information, please visit
Delaware County Emergency Rental Assistance Webinar
One Tuesday, April 13, Delco ERA hosted a webinar to share details about the program. Watch the archived video of this webinar below:
In-Person Assistance Sessions at Baldwin Tower April 17 and April 24
Attend one of our upcoming in-person application intake sessions and the Delco Emergency Rental Assistance (DELCO ERA)
grant program staff will help you register and submit your full application. Residents are encouraged to ask their landlords to register with the Program and to attend these upcoming in-person application intake sessions as well. People with language and/or physical or related challenges may request assistance at these sessions.
Appointment Only In-Person Application Intake Sessions:
Saturday, April 17 and Saturday, April 24, from 10am to 4pm
1510 Chester Pike, Suite 102 Eddystone, PA 19022
Due to COVID protocols, these sessions will be by appointment only. Please call or e-mail to schedule your appointment. or call: (484) 729-4200