Community Open House March 7 for PA-291 Revitalization Study
Help Us Transform PA 291 into a Friendlier, Multimodal Corridor
Eddystone Borough is conducting a study along PA 291 Industrial Highway. This plan, with funding support from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s Transportation and Community Development Initiative (TCDI), will provide a long-term planning blueprint to enhance safety and mobility of all PA 291 users while revitalizing the corridor. In addition to studying the PA 291 corridor, it will seek ways to connect the residential sections of Eddystone Borough with the Delaware River waterfront.
This plan seeks to create a vision to revitalize the PA 291 corridor, making it a safe roadway for all users while recognizing that supporting and accommodating the trucking industry and providing capacity for motor vehicles is essential. This plan will embrace the proud industrial history of Eddystone Borough and serve to provide a guide to create a truly multi-modal corridor and enhance the quality of life of Eddystone Borough residents.
Joe Hughes Hall
1112 7th St, Eddystone, PA 19022
Monday, March 7, 2022
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Please join us on Monday, March 7, 2022 and share your feedback as we reveal several new concept plans with modified lane configurations that aim to transform PA 291 into a safer, multi-modal corridor, while reducing congestion along the roadway.
Review the plans here
In addition to roadway re-configuration, we will also reveal conceptual land use ideas for development and re-development that show the potential that exists along PA 291 within Eddystone. These plans aim to create a safe, multi-modal corridor for all roadway users. Additionally, these plans will help with the implementation of the coveted East Coast Greenway and improve access to the waterfront for all residents of Eddystone Borough.