A Matter of Balance: COSA’s FREE Fall Prevention Programs
Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA) has scheduled several programs this fall to empower others to take control of their health and help prevent falls.
In the U.S. an adult age 65 or older falls every second of the day. More than 3 million older adults are treated for fall-related injuries each year.
Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injury and the second leading cause of accidental, unintentional death worldwide. Not only can falls be deadly, but the financial cost of falls is great- $50 billion annually for non-fatal falls and $754 million spent on fatal falls. Although the statistics can be frightening, falls can be prevented.
Older adults can be proactive in preventing falls by participating in COSA’s FREE Fall Prevention Programs: Healthy Steps and A Matter of Balance , evidence-based programs developed for those age 60 and over. These programs address fear of falling through education and equip participants with the right tools to make a difference in their lives to reduce fall risk. Please join us at one of our upcoming sessions to be proactive and prevent falls:
FREE Healthy Steps Program
A two-session virtual program offered three times this fall:
- Wednesday, September 22nd and Thursday, September 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon
- Wednesday, October 13 th and Friday, October 15 th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 pm.
- Wednesday, November 17 th and Thursday, November 18 th from 10 am. to 12:00 noon
FREE A Matter of Balance Program
Offered in-person this fall at Friendship Circle Senior Center, 1515 Lansdowne Ave., Darby on Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital Campus:
- Mondays, October 4th through November 22 nd from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. except for holiday on Monday October 11th – meeting Tuesday, October 12 th instead.
Must Register – Contact: Ellen Williams, Health and Wellness Program Manager at COSA at williamse@co.delaware.pa.us or by calling 610-499-1937.